Editor :

Red-Motion SAS capital of 55 716 €
SIRET : 521 429 431 000 13 / SIREN : 521 429 431 RCS Saint-Etienne
Code APE : 4764 Z / N°TVA intra-communautaire : FR 54 521 429 431

Head office :

1303 rue Charles de Gaulle

Conception, développement et réalisation du site :

AlpiWeb - Agence Web 360°

Hosting :

Hostinger - https://www.hostinger.fr/

Copyright and usage :

The website is the exclusive property of Red Motion only person authorized to use the intellectual property rights thereon, including trademarks, designs, copyrights and image rights, as the author or by the effect of express authorization.
Every authorization of use needs to ask on : info@baramind-bike.com